Oh Christmas Tree!

Since this is my third post about the holidays, you can see I love to celebrate the holidays! My family got our Christmas tree on December 11th but we didn’t decorate it the 13th. We named our tree Carol because we thought our tree needed a name. Carol is covered in lights colored blue, purple, red, pink, yellow and green and Carol also has silver tinsel draped that sparkle with the rainbow lights. Carol is covered in many different ornaments because we don’t like having a theme for decorations we just put what we have on the tree. Here is a picture of carol, sorry about the quality of the photo I have a bad camera.



Like I said in my early post I love Halloween but this year wasn’t that fun at all. The first thing that ruined it was I had nobody to go trick or treating with. I had a few friends that invited me to go but it would be a few people, and nobody wants to give lots of candy to a bunch of middle schoolers. The second reason was my mask. I decided to dress up as a gory unicorn but I had to wear. Mask that was hard to see through. I ended up going trick or treating alone for only 20 minutes.